
नमस्कार ! मेरो नाम तिरस बुढामगर हो । म कक्षा ६ मा पढ्छु । आज म दियोको बारेमा लेख्दै छु ।

दियो माटोबाट बन्छ । यो परम्परा देखी चल्दै आएको सामाग्री हो । यो घरमा बत्ती बाल्न तथा पूजामा र मन्दिरमा बाल्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ । दियो को प्रयोग विशेष गरी तिहार र छठमा गरिन्छ । दियो बाल्नको लागी कपास र तेल चाहिन्छ ।

Namaskar! My name is Tirash Budha Magar. I study in class six . Today, I am going to write about 'Diyo' (oil lamp).

 Diyo is a traditional material made from clay. People use it to light up every morning and evening during home Pujas, in temples, and during ceremonies. It is highly use widely especially festivals like Tihar and Chhath. To light a Diyo, we require a cotton thread and oil."

सम्बन्धित पाेस्ट